Extracts from the ExpliSite modules
Energy exchanges during processes
First Law
Second Law
Enthalpy balance calculations
Introduction to exergy
Properties of pure substances
Properties of real fluid mixtures
Properties of wet mixtures
Combustion chambers
Displacement compressors
Dynamic compressors
Heat Exchangers
Cooling towers
Deshumidification of a gas by cooling
Fuel cells
Biomass combustion
Mechanical vapor compression
Gas turbines
Steam power plants
Reciprocating internal combustion engines
Vapor compression refrigeration plants
Heat pumps
Combined cycles
Cogeneration plants
Kalina cycle
CO2 supercritical cycles for HTR nuclear reactors
Humid Air Turbine cycle HAT
Oxycombustion cycles
Inverse Brayton cycle
High temperature nuclear cycles (HTR)
Absorption refrigeration cycles
Air conditioning cycles
Pressured Water Reactor (PWR) nuclear cycle
Evaporation and hot gas drying
Uehara cycle
Geothermal plants
copyright R. Gicquel v2024.3