Online course and simulator for engineering thermodynamics

In this section, we present the main thermodynamics fundamentals which are needed to address the study of energy technologies. One of the aims of our pedagogical approach is to propose a method for learning applied thermodynamics much simpler than that traditionally taught. This simplicity bias led us to limit our presentation of thermodynamics solely to bases necessary for our purposes. Accordingly, and except for the calculation of wet mixtures and combustion, which will each be subject to special treatment, we generally assume that substances are of invariable composition, so that we do not show the chemical variables, and thus significantly reduce the formalism. In addition, the systems we study are considered not electrified. This way of working, which is the common practice in energy engineering, leads us at times to move away from strict thermodynamics formalism. What we lose in generality is offset by gains in the practicaluse of the method.

Topics addressed will include:

  • energy exchange during a process;

  • two first laws of thermodynamics;

  • introduction to the concept of exergy;

  • study of the properties of substances:

    • ideal gases;

    • condensable real fluids;

    • vapor mixtures;

    • wet mixtures

copyright R. Gicquel v2024.3

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