Available Diapason sessions
Note :
A Diapason session presents a course or an exercise with a soundtrack.Using these sessions is very easy: a picture is loaded onto the screen, and when a soundtrack is provided, it is played so that you will hear the explanations as if the teacher were present in your room.
The Diapason sessions listed here mainly deal with two main subjects: energy systems, and on global energy issues.
Note :
This page lists the Diapason sessions which are available.
As of June 2013, 37 Diapason sessions had been translated in English, at least provisionally.
We intend to improve the quality of this translation in the months to come and we apologize for the errors which still remain, despite our efforts to correct them.
For energy systems, we have begun by translating the methodological sessions which:
present the thermodynamics fundamentals;
explain how to model basic cycles with Thermoptim;
guide the learner in the preparation of exergy balances.
A number of others deal with technology. They will be translated later, as most of their content is already included in the thematic pages.
Available Diapason sessions
This page gives you direct access to the available Diapason sessions, in four different ways:
a specific Diapason module, with a single trail named Catalog (not available in English),
the content of the Education > Online courses > Diapason sessions section , where all these sessions are listed
the 3-stage module for self-training to energy powered systems and a module on global energy issues presented below
the list of the sessions with the number of steps and the sound-track duration
Module for self-training to energy powered systems
This pedagogic set dedicated to self-training deals with the energy powered systems based on heat conversion. It stresses with particular emphasis the main types of compressible fluid machines (compressors, internal combustion engines, gas turbines, steam gas turbines, refrigeration machines or facilities, combined cycles, cogeneration).
It will help you:
understand the design principles of these systems;
have a global view of the various technologies used for their construction;
and finally become acquainted with the classical and up-to-date analysis methods (diagrams, charts, software applications, etc.).
This pedagogic set is divided into three main steps :
The acquisition of concepts and tools. This part is dedicated to remember the thermodynamic concepts already seen, to study the basic cycles, to discover the used technologies and to train in the use of Thermoptim. (this training lasts about 12 hours, the time for revisions and complements being excluded.)
The reinforcement of the concepts seen during the first step, with theoretical complements on exergy and heat-exchangers, with the study of variants of the basic cycles, of the combined cycles and cogeneration (about 8 hours of work, complements not included).
The in-depth analyses and the personal applications. These analyses and personal application will give rise to the study of innovative cycles more complex than the ones of step one and two. Some thoughts about the perspective of these technologies must also be expected during mini-projects that you may lead personally or within a group. (The duration of this step is very dependent on the selected personal activities.)
Module for self-training to global energy issues
This course seeks to provide a basis for reflection on global energy issues, offering an analysis of the main aspects to consider:
energy supply, dependent on resources,industries and technology available ;
macroeconomic implications of energy demand ;
geopolitical issues ;
specifics of the situation in developing countries.
The pedagogy that we recommend is divided into three main steps:
the acquisition of concepts made by working on the nine Diapason sessions offered. They represent only a small of what is covered in the book, but enough so that students learn basic notions ;
a personal practice by students, for them to actually use the knowledge acquired during the preceding step. For example, the analysis of the energy situation of a country, carried out by small groups of students (typically four to a group), with the aim of giving an oral presentation to their peers and delivering a small written report, typically ten or twenty pages long. Ideally of course, one of the students in the group would be a citizen of the studied country ;
in-depth analyses can then be performed by the students according to their interests
List of the Diapason sessions (those in English are in bold)
n° | content | steps | soundtrack duration |
S01En | 9 | 8 mn 30 s | |
S02En | 11 | 4 mn | |
S03En | 7 | 4 mn | |
S04 | Propriétés des gaz idéaux, diagramme (T, s) not available in English (see S04aEn ) | 16 | 15 mn |
ChgEtat | Changements d'état de l'eau, fusion, vaporisation not available in English | 6 | 1 mn 30 s |
S04aEn | 22 | 18 mn | |
S05 | Diagrammes des vapeurs not available in English (see S04aEn ) | 29 | 23 mn |
S06En | 20 | 13 mn | |
S07 | Présentation de Thermoptim not available in English (see S07En_init ) | 39 | 16 mn |
S07En_ext | 31 | 22 mn | |
S07_trucs | Trucs et astuces pour l'utilisation de Thermoptim not available in English | 27 | 25 mn |
S07En_init | 22 | 11 mn | |
S09En | 13 | 13 mn | |
S10En | 5 | 1 mn 35 s | |
S11En | 16 | 5 mn 45 s | |
S12 | Technologie des compresseurs volumétriques not available in English (see thematic page on displacement compressors) | 24 | 16 mn |
S13 | Technologie des turbocompresseurs et des turbines not available in English (see thematic pages on dynamic compressors and turbines) | 27 | 19 mn |
S15En | 16 | 9 mn 50 s | |
S16 | Technologie des chambres de combustion et des chaudières not available in English (see thematic page on boilers and combustion chambers) | 9 | 4 mn |
S18En | 13 | 13 mn | |
S18NN | Thermodynamique avancée des échangeurs not available in English (see educational breadcrumb on heat exchangers) | 42 | 45 mn |
S19 | Technologie des échangeurs de chaleur not available in English (see thematic page on heat exchangers) | 7 | 3 mn 20 s |
S20 | Technologie des turbines à gaz (TAG) not available in English (see thematic page on gas turbines) | 30 | 18 mn |
S21En | 29 | 12 mn 35 s | |
S21He | Exercice TAG (He) not available in English | 23 | 10 mn |
S22En | 5 | 2 mn 30 s | |
S23En | 10 | 5 mn 50 s | |
S23He | Exercice TAG à hélium à régénération not available in English | 6 | 4 mn |
S24En | 17 | 6 mn 30 s | |
S20_aero | Turbomoteurs et moteurs-fusée not available in English | 27 | 16 mn |
S25 | Technologie des centrales à vapeur not available in English (see thematic page on steam power plants) | 23 | 21 mn 20 s |
S26En | 27 | 12 mn 35 s | |
S27En | 13 | 8 mn | |
S28En | 6 | 2 mn 50 s | |
S30 | Technologie des machines frigorifiques et pompes à chaleur not available in English (see thematic page on refrigeration systems) | 25 | 19 mn 30 s |
S31En | 27 | 12 mn 35 s | |
S32En | 9 | 6 mn 40 s | |
S33En | 15 | 9 mn 30s | |
S35 | Technologie des moteurs alternatifs à combustion interne (MACI) not available in English (see thematic page on reciprocating internal combustion engines) | 37 | 22 mn 10 s |
S35_PBV | Système piston-bielle-vilebrequin not available in English | 11 | 3 mn 20 s |
S35_CDS | Commande des soupapes not available in English | 13 | 4 mn 10 s |
S35En_4t2t | 14 | 4 mn 30 s | |
S36 | Performances et cycles des MACI not available in English (see thematic page on reciprocating internal combustion engines) | 23 | 15 mn 30 s |
S37 | Réduction des émissions de polluants des MACI not available in English (see thematic page on reciprocating internal combustion engines) | 15 | 8 mn 25 s |
S38En | 14 | 12 mn | |
S39En | 14 | 12 mn | |
S40 | Technologie des cycles combinés not available in English (see thematic page on combined cycles) | 12 | 6 mn 50 s |
S41En | 13 | 7 mn 50 s | |
S41He | Exercice cycle combiné à TAG à hélium à un niveau de pression not available in English | 13 | 8 mn |
S45 | Technologie des installations de cogénération not available in English (see thematic page on cogeneration (CHP)) | 14 | 13 mn 40 s |
S46En | 5 | 2 mn 30 s | |
S47En | 7 | 3 mn 40 s | |
ENR01 | Conversion thermodynamique des énergies renouvelables not available in English (see pages on renewable energy sector) | 35 | 26 mn |
S60En | Overview of fuel cells not available in English (see thematic page on fuel cells) | 11 | 10 mn 30 s |
S61En | 16 | 6 mn 20 s | |
S62En | 16 | 8 mn | |
S63En | 20 | 6 mn 20 s | |
S64En | Reforming for fuel cells not available in English | 34 | 17 mn 40 s |
S65En | Modeling a PEMFC not available in English | 16 | 7 mn 40 s |
S71 | Capture du CO2 par absorption dans du méthanol not available in English | 26 | 13 mn 30 s |
IT1En | 12 | 11 mn | |
IT2En | 36 | 18 mn | |
IT3 | Méthode d'optimisation systémique not available in English (see page on the pinch method) | 27 | 14 mn 15 s |
TAI | Introduction au traitement de l'air humide not available in English | 4 | 5 mn 10 s |
TAPAH | Propriétés de l'air humide not available in English | 7 | 11 mn |
TATAH | Transformations de l'air humide not available in English | 5 | 5 mn |
TACLIM | Climatisation not available in English (see thematic page on air conditioning) | 6 | 7 mn 45 s |
Global energy issues | |||
GEI1 | 22 | 19 mn 42 s | |
GEI2 | 29 | 32 mn 13 s | |
GEI3 | 15 | 12 mn 39 s | |
GEI4 | 21 | 29 mn 49 s | |
GEI5 | 12 | 8 mn 11 s | |
GEI6 | 13 | 15 mn 44 s | |
GEI7 | 19 | 22 mn 5 s | |
GEI8 | 7 | 7 mn 4 s | |
GEI9 | 12 | 12 mn 6 s |