Online course and simulator for engineering thermodynamics

Diapason viewer html file editor


By sharing this editor, our objective is to provide teachers with a way to easily convert a slideshow into an online course, so that they can experiment with hybrid pedagogies of the blended learning course type.

The solution proposed here is the adaptation to HTML 5 of a development carried out under Flash in 2006 and which proved very effective. In a few weeks, around sixty online course sessions had been created.

Its great advantage is that it can be implemented very easily by a teacher, without requiring the support of specialists in educational digital technologies.

More sophisticated solutions can be made, but this one has all the essential features.

You will find detailed explanations of the Diapason modules in this page, as well as an example in this one, with details on how to configure the html files of the viewer.

This utility, called DiapasonViewerEditor, allows you to open a session html file and modify the organization and the content of the steps, then save your modifications.

This page explains how to use the html file editor of the Diapason viewer

Diapason viewer's html file editor

This editor is version 2 of an application that comes in the form of an executable Java archive (DiapasonViewerEditor_En.jar file) containing all the libraries it needs. It can be downloaded with all the folders and working files corresponding to the example discussed in these pages at this address.

On Windows and Mac, if it does not launch when you double-click it, Java is not installed on your machine. You will find the explanations for installing it at this address:

On Linux, enter “java -jar DiapasonViewerEditor_En.jar” from the command line, or create a shell adapted to your environment.

Editor Java code

The editor Java files are available here. These document are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license.

The editor is available in French and English, but it can very easily be translated into another language. All you have to do is translate the file that contains the labels of the 32 different components that appear on the screen and during dialogues with the user.

The two html files that are attached are in English because of the example chosen, but adapting them to another language is not difficult.

The English version of the editor's user manual is available below.

Editor's user manual

copyright R. Gicquel v2024.3

Created with Scenari (new window)