Cours en ligne et simulateur de thermodynamique appliquée

Session S26En Simple steam power plant exercise


Presentation of the exercise,Steam power plant principle,Steam power plants,Steam power plant exercise,Opening of Thermoptim,Creation of the model,Creation of the economiser,Creation of the first connexion,Preliminary diagram,Full diagram,Diagram-simulator interface,Setting model parameters,Setting a point in the simulator,Setting a process in the simulator,Setting the parameters of points and processes,Energy type choice in processes,Balance and synoptic,nterface charts-simulator,Setting an entropy chart,Interface charts-simulator,Cycle on (T,s) chart,Cycle point editor,Refined cycle on (T,s) chart,Cycle on (h,P) chart,Cycle on (h,s) chart


Session S26En Simple steam power plant exercise

Copyright R. Gicquel v 2024.5

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